
  • There are no warranties implied.

    Falcon Wealth Planning is an investment advisor with offices located throughout California. Falcon Wealth Planning may only transact business in those states in which it is registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. Falcon Wealth Planning’s website is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to its advisory services, together with access to additional investment-related information, publications, and links. Accordingly, the publication of Falcon Wealth Planning’s website on the Internet should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as Falcon Wealth Planning’s solicitation to effect or attempt to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, over the Internet. Any subsequent, direct communication by Falcon Wealth Planning with a prospective client shall be conducted by a representative that is either registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration in the state where the prospective client resides. For information pertaining to the registration status of Falcon Wealth Planning, please contact the state securities regulators for those states in which Falcon Wealth Planning maintains a registration filing. A copy of Falcon Wealth Planning’s current written disclosure statement discussing Falcon Wealth Planning’s business operations, services, and fees is available at the SEC’s investment advisor public information website – www.adviserinfo.sec.gov or from Falcon Wealth Planning upon written request. Falcon Wealth Planning does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, or relevance of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to Falcon Wealth Planning’s website or incorporated herein and takes no responsibility therefor. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.

    This website and information are provided for guidance and information purposes only. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed.  Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial advisor and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy. This website and information are not intended to provide investment, tax, or legal advice.

  • Falcon Wealth Planning, Inc.. (“Company”) is an SEC-registered investment adviser located in Ontario, California. Company may only transact business in those states in which it is registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. Company’s web site is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to its advisory services, together with access to additional investment-related information, publications, and links. Accordingly, the publication of Company’s web site on the Internet should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as Company’s solicitation to effect, or attempt to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, over the Internet. Any subsequent, direct communication by Company with a prospective client shall be conducted by a representative that is either registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration in the state where the prospective client resides. For information pertaining to the registration status of Company, please contact the SEC or the state securities regulators for those states in which Company maintains a notice filing. A copy of Company’s current written disclosure statement discussing Company’s business operations, services, and fees is available from Company upon written request. Company does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, or relevance of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to Company web site or incorporated herein, and takes no responsibility therefore. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.

    Certain portions of Company’s web site (i.e. newsletters, articles, commentaries, etc.) may contain a discussion of, and/or provide access to, Company (and those of other investment and non-investment professionals) positions and/or recommendations as of a specific prior date. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, such discussion may no longer be reflective of current position(s) and/or recommendation(s). Moreover, no client or prospective client should assume that any such discussion serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized advice from Company, or from any other investment professional. Company is neither an attorney nor an accountant, and no portion of the web site content should be interpreted as legal, accounting or tax advice.

    Rankings and/or recognition by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results if Company is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services, nor should it be construed as a current or past endorsement of Company by any of its clients. Rankings published by magazines, and others, generally base their selections exclusively on information prepared and/or submitted by the recognized adviser. Rankings are generally limited to participating advisers. The Company never pays a fee to be considered for any ranking or recognition, but may purchase plaques or reprints to publicize rankings.

  • All opinions expressed in these programs are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. These programs are only intended to provide information and education about the financial markets. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. Any past performance discussed during this program is no guarantee of future results. Any indices referenced for comparison purposes are unmanaged and cannot be invested into directly. As always, please remember that investing involves risk and possible loss of principal.

  • 1. Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®)

    a. The AIF designation represents a thorough knowledge of and ability to apply the fiduciary Practices. Through fi360’s AIF Training programs, AIF designees learn the Practices and the legal and best practice framework they are built upon. AIF designees have a reputation in the industry for the ability to implement a prudent process into their own investment practices as well as being able to assist others in implementing proper policies and procedures.


    a. The CFP® designation is issued by the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Board of Standards, Inc. and is a voluntary certification recognized by the United States and other countries for its (1) high standard of professional education, (2) stringent code of conduct and standards of practice and (3) ethical requirements governing professional engagements with clients. A candidate for designation must first obtain a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with courses that included financial planning subject areas (e.g. insurance planning, risk management, employee benefits planning, investment planning, income tax planning, retirement planning and estate planning). Candidates must also have at least 3 years of full-time personal financial planning experience, measured as 2,000 hours per year. CFP® candidates must pass a 2-day comprehensive examination designed to test their ability to correctly diagnose financial planning issues and apply their knowledge to real world circumstances. Candidates must also agree to be bound by the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Board’s Standards of Professional Conduct. Anyone earning designation as a CFP® must complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years and renew the agreement to be bound by the Standards of Professional Conduct.

    3. Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

    a. A CPA primarily provides financial audit services, including attesting to the reasonableness of disclosures, freedom from material misstatements and adherence to applicable generally accepted accounting principles. To become a CPA, a candidate must pass the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination set by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and administered by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. Typically, eligibility to sit for the examination requires a candidate to have a bachelor’s degree that includes a minimum number of qualifying credit hours in accounting and business administration plus an additional one-year study. Candidates are also required to have public accounting work experience, with minimum requirements varying from state to state. Applicants for CPA status must also complete a special examination on ethics, including a review of state specific rules for professional practice. All CPAs are required to take continuing education courses. The requirements vary by state but usually require 120 hours of continuing education every three years with at least 20 hours taken every year. Many states require CPAs to take an ethics course during every renewal period, with courses ranging from 2-8 hours.


    a. The CFA charter is a globally respected, graduate-level investment credential established in 1962 and awarded by CFA Institute — the largest global association of investment professionals. There are currently more than 90,000 CFA charter holders working in 134 countries. To earn the CFA charter, candidates must: 1) pass three sequential, six-hour examinations; 2) have at least four years of qualified professional investment experience; 3) join CFA Institute as members; and 4) commit to abide by, and annually reaffirm, their adherence to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. High Ethical Standards. The CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, enforced through an active professional conduct program, require CFA charter holders to:

    Place their clients’ interests ahead of their own

    Maintain independence and objectivity

    Act with integrity

    Maintain and improve their professional competence

    Disclose conflicts of interest and legal matters

    Additionally, regulatory bodies in 22 countries and territories recognize the CFA charter as a proxy for meeting certain licensing requirements, and more than 125 colleges and universities around the world have incorporated a majority of the CFA Program curriculum into their own finance courses.

    Comprehensive and Current Knowledge

    The CFA Program curriculum provides a comprehensive framework of knowledge for investment decision making and is firmly grounded in the knowledge and skills used every day in the investment profession. The three levels of the CFA Program test a proficiency with a wide range of fundamental and advanced investment topics, including ethical and professional standards, fixed-income and equity analysis, alternative and derivative investments, economics, financial reporting standards, portfolio management, and wealth planning.

    The CFA Program curriculum is updated every year by experts from around the world to ensure that candidates learn the most relevant and practical new tools, ideas, and investment and wealth management skills to reflect the dynamic and complex nature of the profession.

  • By providing your information through our site, you are agreeing to recieve communications from Falcon Wealth Planning, which may include SMS, MMS, or equivalent mobile or email communications. We do not sell your information.

Awards & Recognitions


  • Accolade: Advisors to Watch - 250 Advisors to Watch: Under $1 Billion AUM (2024) - Min Song, CFP®

  • Accolade: Advisors to Watch - 100 Next Gen Advisors to Watch (2024) - Zackary Royce, CFP®

  • Accolade: Advisors to Watch - 200 RIAs to Watch (2024) - Ryan Perry, CFP®

  • Accolade: Advisors to Watch - 100 RIAs to Watch (2023) - Gabriel Shahin, CFP®

  • Accolade: Advisors to Watch - 50 Next Gen Advisors to Watch (2023) - Michael Jensen, CFP®

  • Accolade: Advisors to Watch - 200 Fast Growing Advisors to Watch (2023) - Falcon Wealth Planning

  • Accolade: Advisors to Watch - 50 Advisors to Watch (2022)

Disclosure: Nominees were required to have a minimum of seven years of experience, $150 million in assets under management (AUM), and a clean regulatory record. Advisors were ranked based on the size and makeup of their practice, year-over-year growth, and professionalism. The scale category evaluated the relative size of assets, production, and quality of service. The growth category assessed the year-over-year change in assets, clients, and production. The professionalism category considered the advisor's regulatory record, community involvement, mentorship, and team composition. Participation in this ranking is free, and AdvisorHub receives no compensation from the participating advisors.


  • Accolade: Top 11 Financial Advisors and Wealth Managers in Los Angeles (2022-23)

Disclosure: To generate a more reflective ranking of the best-rated financial advisory and wealth management firms, AdvisoryHQ goes beyond just analyzing AUM, revenue, and firm size. They developed a "Top-Down Advisor Selection Methodology" based on various filters, including fiduciary duty, independence, transparency, level of customized service, history of innovation, fee structure, quality of services provided, team excellence, and wealth of experience. This methodology ensures a comprehensive evaluation of firms. AdvisoryHQ reviews and ranks only advisory and investment companies, not individual financial professionals or investment individuals. AdvisoryHQ’s review and ranking articles are always 100% independently researched and written. Firms do not even realize that they are being reviewed by AdvisoryHQ until after our reviews have been completed and published to the public.

Read more at AdvisoryHQ: https://www.advisoryhq.com/articles/advisoryhqs-methodology-for-selecting-top-advisors/

ASU Sun Devil 100

  • Accolade: Top Entrepreneur for Growth (2018*)

  • Accolade: Top Entrepreneur for Growth - $2 Million - $9.99 Million Revenue Category (2022)

  • Accolade: Class of 2023 #5 & Class of 2024 #36

Disclosure: Each year, the alumni association recognizes leaders of organizations from around the world that demonstrate innovation, growth, and entrepreneurial spirit. a company must operate consistently with the ASU Charter, focusing on inclusion, impact on public good, and community responsibility. The ASU Charter, adopted in 2014, guides the transformation into the New American University, emphasizing inclusion, advancing public value research, and supporting community health. Additionally, the company must be Sun Devil-owned or led, meaning owned by an ASU graduate or led by an ASU graduate in an executive position, including graduates from the Thunderbird School of Global Management. The company must also have generated verifiable revenues of $250,000 or more in each of the past three calendar or fiscal years. Companies of all sizes, from individual business owners to large corporations spanning dozens of industries, are honored at the annual awards program. Eligible companies were ranked by how fast they are growing. Rankings were determined by their percentage increase in either gross sales or revenue for three prior years; the 2022 accolade was based on years 2018, 2019, and 2020, the 2023 accolade was based on years 2019, 2020, and 2021, and the 2024 accolade was based on years 2020, 2021, and 2022.

*The ASU Sun Devil 100 did not have financial tiers in 2018. Financial Tiers based on a company's revenue were added for the ASU Sun Devil 100 (2022).


Accolade: Barron's Top 1200 Financial Advisor Ranking - #85 in California State - Gabriel Shahin, CFP®, President & Principal

Disclosure: The rankings are based on Barron’s proprietary methodology that analyzes data from over 7,000 of the nation’s most productive financial advisors. To be considered, advisors must first pass a prequalification process to ensure they meet experience and practice standards. Eligible advisors then complete a detailed survey covering more than 100 questions about their business, including assets under management, revenue, team structure, and client demographics.  All submitted data is verified with the advisors’ firms and through independent regulatory databases. The ranking formula evaluates advisors across three main categories: assets [total assets under management, asset types (private wealth vs. institutional), and client base (foundations, endowments, corporations)], revenue [total revenue generated and its growth over time], and quality of practice [client retention, practice growth, team structure and diversity, advanced degrees and industry designations, compliance records, and charitable or philanthropic work]. Investment performance is not a criterion, as not all advisors provide audited performance data, and results are often influenced by individual client risk tolerance rather than advisor skill alone.
These rankings are intended to spotlight excellence in financial advising, helping investors find advisors suited to their needs while raising standards across the industry.


  • Accolade: 50 Growers Across America - Fastest Grower- Runner UP (2021)

Disclosure: CityWire’s report is based on the most recent Form ADV data reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission, as gathered by our data partner, Discovery Data. We considered firms managing over $100 million and not affiliated at the firm level with a broker-dealer or other institution, though employees may be dually registered. To focus on financial planning-oriented RIAs, we excluded firms without many financial planning clients and those where the bulk of assets were non-discretionary. We also excluded RIAs whose assets under management aren't truly theirs, such as back-end service providers operating under unfamiliar brand names. We assessed percentage growth in AUM and employees over the last three years to create a 'growth score.' Firms growing AUM by $100 million over the past three years received a ranking boost. Winners in each state and runners-up, if any, were then selected based on these criteria.

FA Magazine

  • Accolade: #9 - Top 50 Fastest Growing Firms (2024)

  • Accolade: #29 - Top 51 Fastest Growing Firms (2023)

Disclosure: FA’s RIA survey is a ranking based on assets under management at the year-end of independent RIA firms that file their own ADV with the SEC. FA’s RIA ranking orders firms from largest to smallest, based on AUM reported to us by firms that voluntarily complete and submit FA’s survey by our deadline. FA Magazine does its best to verify AUM by reviewing ADV forms. To be eligible for the ranking, firms must be independent registered investment advisors and file their own ADV statements with the SEC, and provide financial planning and related services to individual clients.


  • Accolade: Named Among the Top 100 Financial Advisors - State Of California (2023)

Disclosure: The annual Investopedia 100 list honors independent U.S.-based financial advisors who excel in three critical areas: Reach, Commitment to Financial Literacy, & Community Support. Reach is evaluated based on the domain authority of their personal blog or website, their followers across social media platforms (LinkedIn, X, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube), and their podcasts (including appearances or ownership). Commitment to financial literacy is measured by their participation in workshops, programs, nonprofits, or collaborations to spread financial education and the creation of accessible content. Community support is gauged through peer nominations by industry professionals outside their own firms and their presence and engagement in the financial planning industry. Each advisor's CRD number was verified for validity, and applications were checked for accuracy and quality. Final scores were calculated based on designated weights for each criterion and not depedendent on a period of time. Investopedia receives no compensation for placing advisors on the list, and an advisor's appearance does not constitute an individual endorsement by Investopedia.

Los Angeles Business Journal

  • Accolade: Best Places to Work in Los Angeles 2023 - #12 on Best Small Companies to Work for in Los Angeles

Disclosure: The Best Places to Work in Los Angeles is an annual celebration of elite employers who have proven that they know what it takes to create environments where people love to come to work. Identifying and recognizing these outstanding workplaces is a joint effort of The Los Angeles Business Journal and Best Companies Group. The Best Places to Work in Los Angeles program was open to all publicly or privately held companies with at least 15 employees working in LA County. The workplace assessment and survey process was managed by Best Companies Group (BCG), Harrisburg, PA. BCG, an independent workplace excellence research firm, managed the registration process, conducted the surveys, evaluated the data, and ultimately chose the firms good enough to make the list. BCG manages 39 similar programs in other cities, states, and industries, as well as managing programs in Canada, Morocco, and the UK.

Part one of the assessment (three-quarters of each company’s score) involved a confidential 81-question Employee Engagement & Satisfaction Survey (EESS) which was used to evaluate the employees’ workplace experience and company culture. Part two of the assessment (one-quarter of each company’s score) consisted of The BCG Employer Questionnaire (EQ), used to collect information about each company’s benefits, policies, practices, and other general information. The two combined sets of data allowed the experts at BCG to conduct an in-depth analysis of the strengths and opportunities that exist in each company.BCG’s workplace assessment experts determined who was good enough to make the list and where they ranked. While the survey process and evaluation were free, many participating companies opted to purchase the full BCG Employee Feedback Report which includes a comprehensive summary of the employee feedback. The report also included the employee written comments and the Los Angeles Benchmark Reports. This report will help each company understand their workforce better and equip them with the information to make their workplace even better.

  • Accolade: Listed as a Leader of Influence - Wealth Managers (2022) - Gabriel Shahin

Disclosure:  The professionals featured in these pages did not pay to be included. Their profiles were drawn from nomination materials submitted to the Los Angeles Business Journal. Nomination materials were not contingent on a time frame and were based on a nominee’s career and achievements, and leadership and community involvement. Those selected for inclusion were reviewed by the editorial department and chosen based on a demonstration of the impact made on the profession and on the Los Angeles community.

RIA Intel

  1. Accolade: RIA Intel Award: Finalist - Client Advocate of the Year (2024) - Michael Jensen, CFP®

  2. Accolade: RIA Intel Award: Finalist - RIA of the Year (2024) - Falcon Wealth Planning

  3. Accolade: RIA Intel Award: Finalist - Advisor of the Year (2023) - Gabriel Shahin, CFP®

  4. Accolade: RIA Intel Award: Finalist - Rising Star of the Year (2023) - Gabriel Shahin, CFP®

  5. Accolade: RIA Intel Award : Finalist - RIA of the Year – Less than $1 Billion AUM (2022) - Falcon Wealth Planning

Disclosure: The RIA Intel Awards accept three types of nominations: peer nominations, nominations by other industry participants, and self-nominations, with multiple nominations for the same firm or individual in various categories being allowed. Nominations can be for oneself, one's firm, or others within or outside one's firm. Assessment criteria for nomination content award up to 5 points based on clarity, relevance, and comprehensiveness: 5 points for fully addressing the question with tailored, clear, and credible responses; 4 points for addressing all points with slightly fragmented language; 3 points for addressing most questions with less clear data; 2 points for addressing less than half the questions with subpar data; and 1 point for generic, copy-pasted answers. Nomination source assessment awards up to 3 points: 3 points for peer nominations indicating high credibility, 2 points for service provider or manager nominations suggesting some self-interest, and 1 point for self-nominations or those by colleagues indicating high self-interest. Nominations are confidential and fee-free, with no charges for nomination or consideration as a finalist or winner.


  1. Accolade: ThinkAdvisor Luminaries Award: Finalist – Executive of the Year (2024) – Michael Jensen, CFP®, Managing Partner

  2. Accolade: ThinkAdvisor Luminaries Award: Finalist – Next-Gen Rising Stars (2024) – Zackary Royce, CFP®, Managing Director

  3. Accolade: ThinkAdvisor Luminaries Award: Finalist – Executive Leadership RIA/IAR Firms (2023) – Gabriel Shahin, CFP®

Disclosure: Award submissions are solicited from a diverse range of nominees across various backgrounds, geographies, and organization types to ensure broad industry representation. Data supplied in the submission is from the prior year. Senior editors with extensive market knowledge review all submissions based on criteria including the nominee’s impact (both qualitative and quantitative), innovative ways the nominee has contributed to the firm, community, and industry, demonstrated ability to achieve goals, and personal commitment to the highest ethical standards, service, and excellence. Top candidates are presented to the judging panel, who are experts in their fields. Executive Leader of the Year honors an individual who has gone above and beyond in leading a firm through demonstrated strong client service, innovation, or other success, and who serves as a model of industry excellence, which includes work on growing results as measured by revenues, assets, advisor headcount, etc. Next-Gen Rising Stars honors individuals with less than 10 years of industry experience and who demonstrate contributions to newsworthy and outstanding results – including how they helped introduce highly innovative programs/thinking, products, and/or services that may be leading to or showing high potential for growth in revenues, advisor headcount, assets under management/advisement, and/or other measures.

Wealth Management

  1. Accolade: Industry Awards (Wealthies): Finalist – CEO of the Year – AUM Under $20 Billion (2024) – Gabriel Shahin, CFP®, CEO

  2. Accolade: Industry Awards (Wealthies): Honoree - Rising Star of the Year (2024) – Nicky Amore, CFP®, Regional Director

  3.  Accolade: Industry Awards (Wealthies): Honoree – Rising Star of the Year (2022) – Gabriel Shahin, CFP®, Principal and Founder

Disclosure: Led by WealthManagement.com’s David Armstrong, a panel of independent judges made up of the top names in the industry determines the Finalists and Winners of the awards. CEO of the Year award criteria include demonstrable impact on their firm, the industry, and wealth management in general; external benchmarks such as customer value, business equity, generating shareholder value; employee engagement, leadership development; as well as industry respect, notoriety, and promoting diversity. Rising Star of the Year criteria include specific examples of firm and industry leadership, supporting initiatives that are driving change as well as external benchmarks such as business growth, thought leadership content development, industry activism, and similar achievements.

Advisors Magazine - Cover Story

  1. Fastest Growing Company - November 2022

Disclosure: Falcon Wealth Planning was listed as the Fastest Growing Company of 2022. This feature was a paid promotion, and our placement on the cover was purchased by Falcon Wealth Planning. The listing of "Fastest Growing Company of 2022" was not an award or ranking independently chosen by Advisors Magazine.