Falcon Wealth Planning Named Best Wealth Management Firm in Los Angeles

Falcon Wealth’s purpose is to work for our clients and ensure we give them the best experience possible.
— Gabriel Shahin, CFP®, CEO

Falcon Wealth Planning is ending 2022 flying high. Just a few short weeks after hitting half a billion dollars in asset management - an end-of-year goal for the firm - they’ve been named as one of the best financial advisors in Los Angeles, California by AdvisoryHQ.

According to their “Top-Down Advisor Selection Methodology,” AdvisoryHQ uses keyword search analysis from popular search engines and their own site to determine what the general consumer is looking for in an advisory firm. Based on the results, AdvisorHQ developed a set of criteria for choosing its best advisors such as fiduciary duty, customized service, quality of service, and more.

“We’re honored to be considered a part of this group of firms that have been ranked,” CEO Gabriel Shahin, CFP® said. “The recognition is much more meaningful knowing that AdvisoryHQ’s rankings were based on consumer-based review. Falcon Wealth's purpose is to work for our clients and ensure we give them the best experience possible.”

As mentioned in AdvisoryHQ’s review, Falcon’s main priority is educating and protecting its clients against unnecessary risks, too many fees, and investing in unsuitable products for their financial situation. In conclusion, AdvisoryHQ granted Falcon Wealth a 5-star rating on their ranking for the Best Wealth Management Firms in Los Angeles for 2022-2023.

About Falcon Wealth Planning

Falcon Wealth Planning is a full-service Financial Planning Firm designed to help clients achieve their financial goals while controlling their taxes, fees, and the risk they take on their investments. We specialize in comprehensive financial planning. We are a FEE-ONLY Registered Investment Advisor specializing in tax-efficient retirement income and helping our clients achieve their financial goals.


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