Falcon Wealth Corporate Seminars

Financial Wellness Classes Offered

Our Class Offerings

  • Social Security Strategies

    1-Day (60-min Class) - During Lunch or After Work

  • Taxes in Retirement

    1-day (90-Minute) - During Lunch or After Work

  • Advanced Retirement Planning Strategies

    2-Day (3-Hour Class each day) - After Work.

    $39 Fee Per Attendee.

  • Retirement Planning

    1-Day (60-min Class) - During Lunch or After Work

  • Guiding Through Company Benefits

    1-Day (60-min Class) - During Lunch or After Work

Founder and CEO

Gabriel Shahin, CFP®, AIF, MBA, host of the “More Knowledge, More Wealth,” podcast has been working in the financial sector since 2003. He received an Undergraduate from Arizona State University in Finance, a Post Baccalaureate from Boston University, and his MBA from the University of Massachusetts in Accounting.

Gabriel is a Principal with Falcon Wealth Planning, Inc. which is a FEE-ONLY, Financial Planning and Investment Management Firm. Gabriel is a Fiduciary for his clients which makes his advice objective, beneficial, and confident that there are no conflicts of interest.

Awards & Recognition

Wealth Management - Finalist – CEO of the Year – AUM Under $20 Billion (2024)

FA Magazine - #9 - Top 50 Fastest Growing Firms (2024)

RIA Intel - Finalist - RIA of the Year (2024)

RIA Intel - Finalist - Advisor of the Year (2023)

ThinkAdvisor - Finalist - Executive Leadership RIA/IAR Firms (2023)

Investopedia - Named Among the Top 100 Financial Advisors - State of California (2023)

Book a Financial Wellness Seminar Today